Daily Bible Reading: Matthew 1 – 2
Happy New Year, and welcome to a new decade! Follow this website daily and you’ll read the entire Bible in one year. It’s quick, easy, and thought provoking. Nothing else you do would have a more positive impact in developing your spiritual life.
The New Testament starts out with the genealogy of Jesus. It traces His roots to Abraham, the founder of Canaan, the land promised by God to the Jews, and also to David, the king directed to plan the construction of the Holy Temple where the Spirit of God would reside. The family tree extends all the way to Joseph, the wife of Mary, mother of Jesus. It documents 42 generations.
Jesus is not genetically related to anyone in this genealogy! He was fathered by the Holy Spirit through the virgin Mary. Why do you suppose Matthew included this information? Does it really matter at all?
I’ll leave it to you to contemplate these questions. My desire with each daily Bible reading is to enlighten and challenge you. I promise you’ll be enriched!