“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.“ 1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV
Some people believe in a part-time God. I think most all of us fall into this camp. When things are rolling along fine, we may not spend as much time with Him–praying, studying the Bible, worshipping, living as we should, etc. Typically, we get really religious when something tragic happens in our lives.
I know this reality because I’ve lived it! Don’t tell me that you haven’t. All of us experience cycles in life with the usual ups and downs. Our faith tends to follow the same curve. In my case, aging helped dramatically in getting me focused. With the increasing years one begins having health issues. It’s compounded when the same occurs with your spouse as the two of you are one.
I can’t claim that I’ve been a really bad person, but without question I have failed miserably by waffling with the ups and downs–i.e., behaving as if God were part-time and only deserving of my attention during life’s challenges.
Being diagnosed with cancer in late 2010 changed everything for me. I confronted the real possibility of either dying very soon or living for a few more years but having permanent issues that’d make me wish I were dead. I (and my wife) prayed fervently for direction, and He responded dramatically with absolute certainty! Today I am certified cancer-free (and not just in remission) and don’t feel like I’ve ever had cancer. Praise God!
This kind of scare made me realize that I’m in the last quarter of the game of life. If there was ever a time to start responding that God merits my full-time devotion, it was now. As a result, I turned my focus to Him completely. I’m not going to share what has occurred as a result, but rest assured that it has been incredible. God has blessed me beyond what I deserve, and in turn, many others have benefited, too.
Is your God part-time or full-time in your life? Think about it.
Prayer: Thank you, dear God, for always loving us full-time, even though we may only return your love part-time. Help us to be the people You want us to be. Amen.