“By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.” Psalm 42:8
A month ago I failed a colon cancer screening test. I tested positive. The result did not mean that I had colon cancer. It merely indicated the possibility with the recommendation to follow-up with a colonoscopy.
This screening proves correct 87% of the time and incorrect 13% of the time. When it’s right, there’s a 92% chance of having colon cancer. It isn’t infallible, but it’s pretty good.
My dad died from colon cancer 33 years ago. From diagnosis to death required only 6-1/2 months, and he suffered greatly. Both detection and treatment have improved dramatically since 1985, and early stage colon cancer has a high survival rate. Nonetheless, since I carry a genetic link, I have to be diligent in keeping tabs on my own health.
Last week I had a colonoscopy. Not only is everything okay, but the gastroenterologist opined that I’m in excellent health for someone of my age. The screening test turned out to be a false positive. I beat the odds in dramatic fashion.
Quite frankly, I had no worry or fear. The scriptures are replete with guidance that we should not have such concerns. While it’s easier said than done, if we trust in the Lord, worry and fear are sins. Also, as someone who beat another type of cancer seven years ago, the prospect of having cancer again didn’t have the same alarming impact as the first time.
After testing positive on the initial colon cancer screening test, how do you think I prayed? I simply asked God to carry the burden for me, so that I wouldn’t have to deal with it. I also requested, that if it is His will for me, the colonoscopy would show no problem and the screening test would be judged as a false positive.
Guess what? Both prayers were answered, and in the manner that I had hoped from my human perspective. Would you consider such an outcome as miraculous? It would be the case IF I actually had colon cancer during the screening test that disappeared before the colonoscopy. While possible, I have no way of truly knowing. I do know that God was involved in a supernatural way with directing me, carrying my burden, and answering my prayers.
How has God intervened in your life in unquestionable ways? Have you sometimes found His answers are better than what you may have wished?
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for your tender mercies–for loving us, for caring for us, for carrying our burdens, and for answering our prayers. Amen.