Matthew 25:21 New International Version (NIV) His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (A parable of Jesus Christ.)
A couple of times yearly a friend and I from way back meet for a meal. He’s a highly successful businessman. Without exception, every time he tells me how happy he is. I suspect he’s simply trying to elevate himself in my eyes. He‘s very driven and wants to be viewed favorably in life as well as business. I’m positive he’s trying desperately to convince himself of his own happiness.
A few years ago he discarded his first wife of several decades for the reason that she no longer made him happy. He married a second woman, who subsequently divorced him in a few years. Now he’s in a relationship with another woman with no intention of remarrying. He pursues this lifestyle with the mistaken belief that it will provide happiness. I’ll also mention that he’s terrified of dying.
I view my friend with pity. Even though he has achieved great successes by the world’s standards throughout his lifetime, he’s still searching for something that satisfies–i.e., provides true happiness. He’s quite intelligent, but cannot see what should be so obvious to any believer.
Jesus Christ is the source of all good things. He is the One and Only who satisfies and gives us happiness. A pursuit of Him provides great rewards on earth and in heaven. It also gives His followers comfort rather than fear in dying. I cannot imagine any greater pursuit for our benefit.