Matthew 24:35 New International Version (NIV) “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (Quotation by Jesus Christ.)
The New Year invites new beginnings. We can make no resolution that would be superior to becoming a better Christ-follower. Several ways exist to make this happen, but this devotional focuses on just one, and it’s simple and easy to do.
Our pastor urges us to read our Bible one-time through every year. The church provides a reading plan requiring about 15 minutes daily. With everyone focusing on the same scripture, we’re on the same topic throughout the year. Free phone apps are readily available that will inform you of the daily reading, and some will even read it to you.
This 2019 marks the fourth consecutive year that we have followed our pastor’s recommended plan. it has enabled us to grow spiritually. However, I believe that another approach is far better.
Don’t just read the Bible–study it! Look up words you don’t understand; convert unusual units to English measurements; read about the author and the historical background; compare the daily scripture to referenced verses; check all the footnotes; assess its application to your own life; etc. Granted, this enhanced process will take longer than 15 minutes daily–perhaps a half-hour or so. However, the payback is tremendous! You will grow in your understanding of the Bible far more than what you gain from simply reading it.
Give my suggestion a try for a few days. Once you start digging in, you’ll realize that the Bible contains so much than you ever realized. Over my lifetime I’ve been a voracious reader, and I’ve found the Bible to be the most fascinating, enlightening, and helpful book I’ve ever read. After all, it is God’s word!